Integrating Jewish Values
Welcoming ALL with Friendship
Respect For One Another
Kindness and Compassion
Improving the World
Peace in Our Community
Justice and Charity
Welcoming ALL with Friendship
Respect For One Another
Kindness and Compassion
Improving the World
Peace in Our Community
Justice and Charity
We are excited to offer a Mitzvah Magic activity for each age group once a week. These activities are focused on community service projects or exploring a Jewish value or concept, also lovingly referred to as Human values. These activities remind us of the important to take care of each other, our community, and our world.
Each week has a special Jewish value which connects to the week’s theme and is explored throughout camp. Such values include that of friendship, caring for the environment, community, and more!
Every Friday morning the camp gathers together for a camp wide Shabbat Celebration to culminate the end of a busy and exciting week. Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath and day of rest, is celebrated through song, eating of Challah (braided egg bread), and exploration of tradition.