JCC Camp Ruach is excited to announce the launch of the “JCC Camp Ruach College Scholarship”.


JCC Camp Ruach is more than just a summer experience and strives to support camp staff not only during the summer months, but beyond as well.

The camp experience and the skills they develop prepares them for their future academic and professional journeys. This scholarship program recognizes the individual commitments made by our staff and JCC Camp Ruach’s desire to help them reach their personal aspirations. One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded each summer.


Scholarship Eligibility:

  • Must be a rising Freshman or Sophomore attending a 2-year, 4-year, or trade school program.
  • Must commit to working at Camp Ruach for the summer of 2023 (June 26 – August 18, 2023)
  • No prior affiliation with the Bridgewater JCC or JCC Camp Ruach required


The award recipient must work the entire summer (cannot be let go or leave voluntarily) or the scholarship will be reallocated.

Scholarship application will be made available June 1, 2023. Submission deadline is July 7, 2023. Award recipient will be notified by August 14.