Plant the seed for tomorrow. Give a Legacy gift today.


Our Jewish Community of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties have proudly joined together to strengthen our roots through the launch of our LIFE & LEGACY® program. We have created a unified approach to Legacy Giving across our organizations to ensure that our community will flourish for generations to come.

Be Remembered Forever

in the community with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy.

Join the JCC Legacy Society by signing the Letter of Intent. We hope you will let us know when you have done this, so that we may thank you for your generosity and keep you informed of the JCC’s ongoing plans and successes.


Camp Ruach Legacy Society

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Pat & Sy Appelbaum
  • Andrea and Randy Berkow
  • Harriet and George Blank
  • Michael Bloomstein
  • Kylie and Tom Breisch
  • Topaz Weinglass Brown
  • Adena Feinstein
  • Geoff Feinstein
  • Cheryl and Rich Fialkoff
  • Laura and Brett Friedman
  • Jonah Friedman
  • Amy and Seth Geldzahler
  • Debbie and Paul Golden
  • Nancy and Joseph Gorrell
  • Sarah and Ben Greenfield
  • Florence and Bryan Grossman
  • Jill and Richard Hirsch
  • Andrea Horowitz
  • Allison Horowitz
  • Dana Horowitz
  • Peter Horowitz
  • Rachel Horowitz
  • Josh Leibner
  • Samuel Leibner
  • Caryn Kenin
  • Jeff Kenin
  • Adam Pyle
  • Art Roswell
  • Betty Roswell Z”l*
  • Evelyn and David Rauch
  • Paige and Jason Silberfein
  • Sherry and Doron Steger
  • Alanna and Jason Steinberg
  • Monica and Richard Skydell
  • Jessica and Josh Wang
  • Betsy and Bruce Zalaznick

* This person reached beyond his/her own life to enrich the future. They left the world a little better than they found it. May their memory be a blessing.



We are always happy to answer any questions and help you consider your choices.

Contact Paige Silberfein, Associate Executive Director by email or call her at 908-443-9002.


Email Paige

Expressing Your Intent

It’s easy to create your own personal legacy.

Start by signing a simple letter of intent, a non-binding promise to leave a gift in the future to the organization(s) of your choice.

Download the Letter of Intent

With a legacy gift you can still take care of your family while also leaving something to preserve the programs and organizations that you care about.

Most legacy gifts are simple designations in a will, retirement account, or life insurance policy. Consult your financial adviser regarding these or other planned gifts.

See frequently asked questions about the program below.

Partner Organizations

  • Chabad of Greater Somerset, Basking Ridge
  • Congregation B’nai Israel, Basking Ridge
  • Congregation Kehilat Shalom, Belle Mead
  • Flemington Jewish Community Center, Flemington
  • Jewish Center of Northwest New Jersey, Washington
  • Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties
  • Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon & Warren Counties
  • Or Chadash, Flemington
  • Shimon & Sara Birnbaum Jewish Community Center/JCC Camp Ruach, Bridgewater
  • Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough
  • Temple Sholom, Bridgewater

With the guidance of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer & Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s Life & Legacy program

Formalize Your Intent


Download the Gift Confirmation Form


After you sign the Letter of Intent, please consult with your professional tax advisor or financial planner to establish your financial plans. For many people, formalizing their gift can be as simple as naming Shimon and Sara Birnbaum JCC as a beneficiary of their life insurance policy or retirement account, or adding the following line their will or trust: “I give and bequeath to Shimon and Sara Birnbaum JCC the sum of (choose one) $________ or_______% of my estate.”



  • What is a legacy gift?
    • It is a gift of an asset after you pass away.
  • Who should sign up?
    • Everyone and anyone! This is not just for the wealthy or seniors. There is no minimum gift required, and no expectation of payment while you are living.
  • Why wouldn’t I leave all of my estate to my children?
    • Legacy gifts are usually only a percentage of your estate and demonstrate to your heirs your commitment to Jewish values.
  • Does the gift have to be money or can other things be given?
    • Legacy gifts can take many forms: stocks, bonds, real estate, retirement assets, cash, life insurance proceeds, etc.
  • How much should I bequeath?
    • There is no correct amount – it varies from person to person – and must be what is right for you. Any amount is appreciated. Some people will choose to give a set dollar amount, some will specify a percentage of their estate, or all or part of a particular asset.

  • Can I change my gift later?
    • Yes – if your circumstances change you can adjust the amount of your gift.
  • What are the ways I can leave a legacy gift?
    • There are many ways, including making a bequest in a will or trust; naming the Camp Ruach as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, IRA, or pension fund; giving a gift of cash or assets; setting up a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust. Please consult your professional advisor to determine which method of giving is best for you.
  • Why is it important to leave a legacy gift?
    • The long-term future of the Jewish community requires adequate financial resources. Recent studies show organizations will need to generate 20%-25% of their operating budget from endowed funds in 20 years in order to meet their obligations. By leaving a legacy gift, you help ensure that the values and services of Camp Ruach you care about will be part of our community long into the future.
  • I live paycheck to paycheck and I don’t have any money to give now. Can I still participate?
    • The advantage of legacy giving is that no money is paid now. The gift is paid after your passing, from what is left in your estate.
  • How can I give without spending money on a will or trust?
    • One option is to name Camp Ruach as a beneficiary of an account you already have. You might also consider a life insurance policy, with the Camp Ruach as a beneficiary.

  • Where does the money go?
    • Please discuss your wishes with Paige Silberfein, the Associate Executive Director;, 908-443-9002. If someone leaves money for a specific purpose, the Camp Ruach will honor those wishes.
  • Who invests the money in the Endowment Fund?
    • The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer manages the endowment funds for the organizations in our community. They have been managing endowment funds for many years and have an excellent performance record.
  • What rate of return does the fund average annually?
    • Average returns have been 4-5% annually.
  • How do I sign up?
    • The first step is to complete a letter of intent by completing the form below. For questions, contact Paige Silberfein;, 908-443-9002.